ATV OFFROAD KALUMPANG welcome a group of bikers from Shah Alam to our place last month. The only way that we could describe this guys was.."VICIOUS". This group pushes our ATVs to the limit. They managed to handle our rugged terrain with ease like a pro.. well done guys.

Group photos before the journey. Hot.. hot day

First obstacles... no problem

Stop half way for a quick photo session
Another obstacles.. full throttle all the way

Resting at one of the stop point before continue the journey up...

Look at the waterfall.. the water is really deep and cold

They really enjoying themselves

If you look carefully, there's a 100m waterfall at the background...
Trying out uncharted terrain. Still with a smile...
Finally having a go at crossing the river. This route could only be crossed depending on the tides. If it rains.. then it would be too dangerous to cross....
Thanks to Ghafar and friends... ATV Offroad Kalumpang salutes you.